Senin, 07 November 2016

Contoh Latihan SOal 4

11.    Plants cannot grow well and do not yield good quality fruit (par.2)
         The word “yield” means …
a.    grow              
b.    give                
c.    affect
d.    consume
e.    produce/harvest

12.    The primary cause of water pollution is …
a.    animal waste
b.    people’s activities
c.    harmful plants
d.    contaminated waste
e.    the natural condition of water

13.    Polluted water is very dangerous to ….
a.    animal
b.    all living things
c.    environment
d.    the people
e.    health

Text 3

            It is important to know how people in Jakarta satisfy the need of clean water.  They use ground water, the governmental water supply or PAM ( Perusahaan Air Minum ) and public hydrants. The number of the population in Jakarta is 8,5 million, but only 41% of them have accessed to clean water from PAM, while the rest still depend on ground water. The shallow ground water is used in hotels, offices, factories, and areas of residences. There won’t be any problem if they do not use the water more than the resource’s capacity.
            Man is granted a large amount of colourless liquid called water. Life will not exist without  water. There are a lot of domestic purposes as drinking, preparation of food and beverages, bathing, cleansing, and watering the   lawns and gardens and secondarily in industrial processes, commercial products disposal of wastes in sewers, fire fighting, street sprinkling, swimming pools, and public fountains. For most of the purposes above the quality of water must be good.
            There are a lot of sources of water supply such as underground and surface water. Ground water resources are near at  hand and systems are cheap to install, i. e by setting a pump or  digging a well. The surface water is obtained from large lake or river nearby, consequently it will be very expensive to get the water because the supply depends on the amount of water in large reservoirs, from which long pipes are needed to pump the water into the houses. Ground water is generally clear, cold, cold, colourless, and cleaner than surface water in some regions.

            In order to have clean water supplies people should conserve the water. It can be conserved in many ways, including measurement and recording of all-purpose water consumption, holding flood water in o0versize reservoirs, desalting seawater and guard of ground water against the intrusion of seawater, and reducing evaporations in reservoirs using large ground water reservoir more extensively.

14.    Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text ? …
a.    Deep ground water is used in houses.
b.    Water is primarily used for fire fighting.
c.    Ground water is generally smelly and gummy
d.    The quality of water may be good for the most purposes.
e.    People should conserve water to get enough clean water supply.

15.    The main idea of paragraph 2 is …
a.    We use water for domestic use
b.    Life will not exist without water
c.    The people in Jakarta use ground water.
d.    There are a lot of sources of water supply
e.    The surface water is obtained from large lake or river nearby.

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