Senin, 07 November 2016

Contoh Latihan Soal 1

 11. Which are the three leisure activities that are almost equally popular with the students of Sekolah Menengah Seri Indah? a. Reading, Watching TV, and Sports. b. Listening to the radio, Watching TV, and Visiting Shopping complex. c. Sightseeing, Camping, Listening to the radio. d. Visiting Shopping complex, Sports, and Reading. Kunci : C Pembahasan: Soal menanyakan informasi rinci pada grafik. (Listening to the radio:24%, Watching TV : 25%, and Visiting shopping complex : 23% sightseeing 11% Reading 6% Sports 8% Camping 3% Listening to the radio 24% 23% Visiting shopping complex Watching TV 25% LATIHAN DAN PEMBAHASAN Tidak diperjualbelikan Panduan Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs DEPDIKNAS Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan 15 12. Which statements is not true of the Bridge Run? a. Seven groups are involved in the Bridge Run. b. The Run will start from Kem Tentera in Jalan Sulatan Azlan Shah. c. Groups F and G have to run further than all the other groups. d. The finishing point of the Bridge Run is at University Sains Malaysia. Kunci : C Pembahasan: Soal menanyakan informasi tersirat dari ‘chart’. C group F dan G have to run further than the other groups). Group F d

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