Senin, 07 November 2016

latihan soal 45

1.    Good morning. I am Handi Suhanda, Please call me Andi. I am an entrepreneur. I live with my family in Bandung. My phone number is 2948320. I like reading books very much.
The statements above describe....
a.    reporting news
b.    inviting people
c.    introducing other people
d.    asking the name
e.    introducing oneself

2.    X    :  When you meet people for the first time,what do you usually tell them your- self?
Y    :  …… 
a.    How are you?
b.    How are things with you?
c.    How do you do?
d.     Please call me
e.    Nice to meet you

3.    Good morning. I would like to introduce; my-self. My name is Deri. I am a student. I live, on Jln. Suniaraja in Bandung Just m case you want to call me, my phone number is 798320.
      The above statements describe a ….
a.    leave-taking
b.    meetings and greetings
c.    introducing others
d.    informal introduction
e.    formal introduction

4.    Ina    :  "Meti, this is my, brother. Santo"
Meti  :  " .... "
Santo   :                    I am glad to see you, too
a.    Hello. How are you Santo?
b.    Hi. My name is Meti.
c.    Hello. How do you do Santo?
d.    Hi. Santo. I am glad to see you,
e.    Santo. I don't think we've met before

5.    Mr Handi   :  Miss Rina, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Dudi.
Miss Rina  :  How do you do?
Miss Rina  :  I have heard so much about you.
Mr Dudi     :  How do you do?
The underlined word means........
a.  acquaint                                   d. belay
b. act                                             e. dimand

c. bake

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